How to Curate the Perfect Skincare Regime in College
Hey guys,
Going back to school is an extremely stressful time, an pairing that with the nerves that come with classes can make for an even bigger headache! This week I am going to share with you guys how to curate the perfect skincare regime while also hitting those books.
First, it's important to identify the type of skin you have and what you would like to work on. Similar to working out, proper skincare takes planning, research, and consistency. I have sensitive skin that is dry in Colorado and oily in Hawaii. In addition, I suffer from redness. Knowing these few things can already help me prepare for my new skincare routine; the only requirement is that it must be gentle and help in aiding both dry skin and redness.
Here comes the fun part! After you have determined what you need to buy, you will need to do some research on the best products for you.
But, like many other aspects of life, you cannot just leave good skin up to the work your skincare will do. You will also need to modify your diet (when needed) and make some lifestyle changes. I have modified my habits in many different ways, from using an aromatherapy diffuser, a salt lamp, and even going dairy free. Out of all of these ways, while each have their benefit, let me highlight the one I am sure you are all most curious about: the salt lamp.
As crazy as it sounds, especially when the other options are much more logical, I do stand by the fact that salt lamps have health benefits. The biggest comes in the form of its purifying ability. With skin being our biggest organ, and our most outer organ, it is vital that we protect the air around us to limit the amount of impurities. Notably, salt lamps put out negative ions that help soothe and calm the atmosphere around us, combating our own anxiety. I was generously given* a salt lamp to try out for myself, and since trying it I can confirm that the space around me does feel more calming and at peace. If you haven't already, perhaps ad a salt lamp is something worth adding to your school shopping list!
Here is a link to buy your own salt lamp.