Study Abroad: Q&A (From You!)
Hey guys,
Ahh, the last post in this mini-series. I have to ask, have you found anything helpful in my posts or do you feel like you were already well versed on studying abroad. For those of you that are still curious, today I'm going to be answering YOUR questions related to study abroad.
Q: How do you decide which country to visit? How do you chose between two places you love?
A: Choosing between two places was the hardest part for me. When I first got accepted to study abroad in South Korea I was thrilled. A huge wrench got thrown in my plans when I was shortly thereafter accepted to studying in China. Ultimately, had to look really hard at what I wanted. If I went to Korea none of my classes would transfer whereas in China all of my classes would transfer. The cost difference was aa major part, too. If you're picking between two places you love I would advise to look at what you're going to gain, not what you're going to lose. For me, I would gain experiences but lose money in Korea, where I would gain experiences and lose experiences in a new country.
Q: What are you looking forward to most about your trip?
A: Recently I've been watching a lot of videos from people in China who go and bargain at the different malls in China. Previously abroad I didn't try to haggle, but this time around I'm really excited to try and see how good at bargaining I can be!
Q: How long is your semester abroad?
A: Compared to Manoa, who has school from mid August to mid December, I'm going to be abroad from early September to mid December.
Q: How much money do you plan on spending on stationary?
A: For those of you that don't know, I love stationary. China has some of the most inexpensive and really cute stationary for very cheap prices. While I'm planning on bringing my own school supplies, I do hope to grab a bit of stuff right before leaving. All in all, I don't anticipate spending more than $50 USD on stationary, but keep in mind that $50 USD is roughly 300 RMB, which is a lot!
Q: How do you plan on communicating with those back home while you're away?
A: China is a really strict country when it comes to communication, so what I'm going to have to do is download WeChat (to use for texting) and a VPN to use for my socials. I'm planning on taking 2 VPN's abroad just in case one of them doesn't work!
What do you think? Do you have any questions for me that I didn't get to answer or that you're just thinking of? Let me know in the comments below and I'll try and answer the most I can!
Until next time,