Study Abroad: My Hopes and Fears

by - August 23, 2018

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the collaboration from earlier this week. It was so fun to be able to collaborate with another collegiate and share our experiences thus far. I hope to incorporate more of these collaborations in the future, but for now I'm going to continue on my own. I am curious-- who would you like to see on the blog? Is there a blogger in particular that you would like me to work with? Let me know in the comments below!!

Now onto todays post: My hopes and fears when it comes to studying abroad. 

My hopes:
  1. I hope, above all, to feel comfortable and confident in my language abilities
  2. I hope to visit difference provinces and famous places like Shanghai Disney or the section of the Great Wall in Nanjing
  3. I hope to make friends who encourage and support me throughout this semester. Ideally I hope to make friends with people who will help me study Chinese and encourage me to do better!
My fears:
  1. I fear I will take longer to acclimate to China than I did previously 
  2. I fear my teachers will not be understanding of us international students and that they will expect us to have the same diligent attitude as the Chinese students
  3. I fear I will struggle in class and not enjoy myself
What I'm learning, throughout this series, is that language is a process and language acquisition does not happen overnight. I have learned to accept that the level I end up in is the one I belong in, and while it's been hard, I have realized that I would rather be in the lower class and enjoy my semester rather than be in the higher level and struggle. Studying abroad is a process, but writing out my hopes and fears can do nothing but help. 

What have you looked forward to this semester? Let me know in the comments below. 

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