Back on the Island
Hey everyone!
I'm sure all of you have been anxiously awaiting my first post describing what my time back has felt like. Well, I hope this doesn't disappoint. If anything, I hope this lends some insight about what going away, and finally returning, to college feels like.
Firstly, I left San Francisco bright and early Friday morning. I board the plane at 7:30 PST and didn't land until noon HST. For the first time, I was not able to sleep on the plane. I was actually awake the entire flight, and to make things even more uncomfortable I had to sit next to this Australian couple who would not stop eating! In the beginning of the flight I actually got my bag moved because it was too big (kudos to me for thinking I could fit two weeks of clothes into a carry on) and with it, went my food. This would not have been a problem, but Virgin America doesn't feed you at all, which means no snacks, too. This was very hard, and by the time I had gotten off the plane I had not eaten in a total of 12 hours. Needless to say by the time I made it back to my room I had successfully eaten all my Korean BBQ meat and a rice krispee treat. Not to mention I kept feeling like I needed to eat (and eat and eat), which was the complete opposite of when I was back home. Truth be told when I was back in Colorado I didn't feel the need to eat that much. I wouldn't snack at midnight and would typically only eat two meals a day (as I would often sleep through breakfast). I have found that throughout the days back I have often felt like I needed to eat, and never because I'm actually hungry. I'm hoping that if I can control this that I will be less likely to binge on food (not that I do that to begin with) and that I'll be less likely to gain weight I don't need.
Since being back, there are also a few other things I have noticed.
One of these things is that I completely forgot how utterly insane Waikiki is. When I was in my shuttle going back to the dorms, we had to make a few stops downtown. Well, without even thinking about it, I had no clue that I had arrived on the busiest day of the week: Friday. All up and down the block were tourists, and this explained the absurd amount of Australians on my flight and in the shuttle. In a way I myself felt a little like a tourist, but I knew that it would be short-lived. I also knew that I would very quickly feel annoyed at the tourists, so I have tried to stay out of Waikiki since being back. Of course when that beach is only 15 minutes away it's hard not to go. I actually went yesterday and was blown away at how crowded the beach is! I assume that it's either because people got trips as Christmas presents, or I really just forgot how busy life in Hawaii is.
The second thing I noticed is that I'm waking up earlier. While this seems like an obvious one, the strange thing is that this has happened even after readjusting to the time. I keep waking up at 7 in the morning, and now that I don't have class until 9:30 I feel like I should be doing something, like running or working out. I guess we'll see what happens as the semester progresses.
I'm going to end this post here, as it's late already and I'm posting this in-between classes. Later after work I will update you all on my first day.
Until next time,