"When in Hawaii"

by - November 08, 2016

 Ahh! Is that a picture?! I'm so happy to be posting some more for you all. My posts have been kind of dry lately (for lack of a better word) and as a result I've found myself not including pictures. While this has messed with the overall theme of my blog, I am relieved that I have some to share with you. In the midst of all this college excitement, here is a few I've taken over my weekend. Let's start with the one above. Taken this past Saturday, it was shot right after I attempted surfing. Also worth mentioning is the time I spent on the water. Never having surfed before, I paddled out expecting no more than an hour. Quite possibly a perk of being a college student, the company I rented the board from let me borrow it for over two hours for only $10! However that's besides the point. What I really want to talk about it how difficult surfing is! Before arriving I joked with my friends that, "Anyone can stand on a surfboard!" But I was so wrong. It seems that the ocean was in a playful mood, as I was tossed, turned, and dunked underwater numerous times. But throughout all of that I can't discredit the fact that being on the water, on that huge board, was nothing short of amazing. Sitting on the still water, with Diamond Head in clear view and no one around, allowed me some good time to reflect. As I've said before, I was originally not going to come to Hawaii. Believe it or not there was a time where I seriously considered rescinding my acceptance and going to California, instead. Since being here there has never been a time (except move-in day) where I have regret my decision. Being on the board, looking at one of the prettiest landmarks I've ever seen, really reminded me of how lucky I am to be in Hawaii. 

Let's move on. 

Below are a few pictures I snapped (with some help) of a hike my friends and I did on Sunday. I won't lie, I woke up completely sore and bruised from surfing. My elbows, hips, and even torso was bruised. Beginners luck, I guess? Granted, even with as sore as I was I was still up for a good hike. We settled on the Lighthouse Trail and I was not disappointed. 

 At the beginning of the trail, at more specifically the first lookout, if you decide to off road your hike you will find yourself faced with a huge boulder that provides one the opportunity to see some great views. Fun fact: you can actually see another island, Kauai, from the trail. While you can't see it in the picture above, what you can see are miles upon miles of endless blue. As small of an island as Oahu is, only when I'm on the edge of this rock do I recognize how disconnected I am from the rest of America. I can't complain, though, as I love being so close to the ocean yet also surrounded by mountains. 

 End of the trail. Again, I off loaded it with Shannon and ended up on a rock on the side of the island. With my feet dangling off the side, all I could see were the foaming blue waters and side of the island speckled with houses. The lighthouse is accessible, but only by those willing to trespass. While my friends and I decided not to (as we also hiked down to the Makapu'u Tide Pools) it was still an amazing view from all the way up top. Additionally, it's worth noting that as I was hanging out I ate a panini. A great sandwich with a great view. 

No story here, just the beauty of the side of the island from the top of the trail. No, this was not from that rock I had been sitting on. 

Enjoy the rest of your day, guys!

Until next time,


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