32 More Days

by - November 14, 2016

Hey guys!

So yes, the title of this post is pretty ambiguous. However, I wanted to set a place-marker as these next few weeks are surely going to fly by. As it is there are only 5 more weeks until the semester ends! The reason I titled this '32 More Days' is because that's how many days there are until I fly home. I have some pretty mixed feelings about going home, but overall I am very excited to be in Colorado for a bit. I think it's going to be hard leaving, but I'm already excited to return. 

So, back on topic. With all things considered, I wanted to share that at this point in your college applications you may begin to feel discouraged, stressed, or panic. As common as all of these emotions are, it's important that you are smart these next few weeks as application season begins to end. Personally, and I've said this before, I was not going to apply to Manoa. In fact, this school wasn't even on my list! I applied because I panicked. Now as glad as I am to have ended up at such a great place (I mean I'm living in Hawaii...) I am constantly thinking about what could have been. I really encourage students to look over their list of colleges and be sure to understand your odds of getting in. As pointed out to me, I applied to a lot of "reach schools". While I got into some, there was undoubtedly no way I would have gotten into all of them. My entire college career would be different had I not panicked. 

Again, I am not encouraging you to panic. There are countless other schools that I looked at instead of UH (Georgetown, UConn, UGA, and George Washington, to name a few) that I came close to applying to. If you're one of the students out there that has even a little bit of doubt in their choices and still has time to apply...now would be a good time to look into more schools. Making the decision to apply to even one more school now and not later (like I did) could save you more money if you choose to go to that school. I can't say I made the mistake of not applying to Manoa earlier, but I wish I had given the school a chance. I know now that had I applied earlier my chances of getting a better financial aid package are much higher. 

Ultimately, what each student needs to remember is that things will work out. There is no way I would have ever guessed I would be in Hawaii, yet here I am absolutely loving it. However, a year ago I would have laughed and told you there was no way I was going to Hawaii, it had always been San Fransisco or bust for me. 

Granted, the academics (and school spirit) aren't top notch, what I've found make up for that are the experiences I've made. I'm very thankful to be in a place that has the beach and mountains, a place with the most beautiful hikes, and a place so diverse. I think these are the things I will miss the most when I am back home visiting. 

To end this post, I want to leave a last regard. I knew before applying to UH that, if I decided to go, I would be very far from my family. The distance was the only thing I was concerned about. However, what I didn't consider, and what I've been thinking a lot more about lately, is how life doesn't stop when you go. In the past four months there have been three deaths in my family, and they have all completely blindsided me. The first one I wasn't very much effected by, and I say that because I simply did not know him. The second was the hardest, as I could not fly home to say goodbye. That, and I was made aware that I originally wasn't supposed to know of her passing. The third, and most recent, has left me conflicted. I am thousands of miles apart (now granted Colorado is still thousands apart from the states the rest of the family is in) but it is still family nonetheless. I'm often left wondering how I should feel and how I should grieve. Is it alright to be upset? Am I allowed to feel sad? The passing of family members was not something I had ever considered, and may be something that you consider, depending on your families situation. Ultimately, try and remember that these things are going to happen whether or not you stay home. While they might be unexpected, this is not something you can control. 

However, if you choose to apply to a school faraway, rest assured that it could turn out to be one of the best decisions of your life.

Until next time, 


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