Labor Day

by - September 06, 2016

Hi everyone,

First and foremost I would like to say that I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing holiday. Three day weekends are always nice, yeah? Well today I wanted to make a post about some of the beaches I've been to in Hawaii. While you've all read about my experiences in Waikiki and Cromwell's, today I went to my third, and also different, beach: Kailua. 

Kailua, located on the eastern side of the island, is a soft-sand beach with turqiouse colored water. Compared to Waikiki I think you'll find Kailua to be less crowded and overall more relaxed. From campus, the ride was about 25 minutes long, give or take a few. It's hard to describe, but no two places on this island are the same. Waikiki is nothing like Kailua, and Manoa is nothing like Waikiki. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a different state, when in reality I've only traveled a dozen miles from campus! It's something that, if you've been here before, you can relate to.

I'm attaching some pictures to give you guys some insight into what this beach is like. 

See what I mean? The beach is a lot less crowded and a lot less touristy. It was definitely my favorite one, and if you're ever tired of the tourist trap that is Waikiki than I recommend spending some time down here. Out of the three beaches I've been to I would say this is the most "local", if I could really even say that. 

I know it's not much but this was how I spent my Labor Day. I'm glad I got to see more of the island and can't wait to see where else I go. Also, as an ending remark, today was the first time I caught myself thinking, "I'm glad I picked this school." While none of you would know this, I was actually torn between going to UH Manoa and UC Davis. I won't go into the details, but maybe if you want I can make a post about it later in the school year. 

Until next time,


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