Two More to Go

by - December 13, 2016

Hey guys!

I am exhausted. 

This has been quite the week for me, and it's only Tuesday! I have had more coffee in the past two days than I have had all semester. Also, I have gotten a total of about 8 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours. Needless to say I am starting to crash.

This week has also held a lot of firsts for me. On Monday I experienced my first caffeine high ever. This consisted of me, only two cups in, feeling the overwhelming need to do my dishes, laundry, and run a mile, all over the course of one hour. While I did use this to my advantage and clean my tupperware, I had to practically force myself to sleep given that it was 3:30 and I was one of the few still awake in my building (presumably).

The second first was the opposite of a caffeine high. Yesterday, after about 3 cups of caffeine, I became very lethargic and slow. This was a different experience, because not only was my breathing very slow and shallow, but I was also just very tired. The plan was to pull an all nighter, but at 4:20 in the morning I realized that would be near impossible. I actually texted my friends and I told them that I would need them to call me and wake me up in the morning because I just knew I would need the extra push. 

After both exams I came back and took a well deserved nap. Before college, I found naps to be extremely hard to have, but now that I'm in college and staying up generally later (especially now) during exam season. I actually finished my psychology exam today and took a good hour and a half nap. 

Currently, the rest of my week consists of studying for Chinese and Religion. I'm not too worried about Chinese, considering I got a 98% on my speaking final, but I'm still going to study what I can. 

Besides all of that, I'm finding this week to be very enjoyable, albeit pretty stressful. I'm actually going to miss the late night studying. I won't miss the finals, though. 

I'll leave this post off at this. I don't have much else to comment on so I hope everyone continues to push through and try their hardest during this stressful week. The break is so close! 

Until next time,


PS: This is what Waikiki has been looking like lately. Isn't the sky absolutely breathtaking? It's a nice distraction from the reality of finals.

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