Days Off to "Study"

by - December 12, 2016

Hey everybody!

It's exam season, which means the next few days, for myself at least, are going to be spent with my head in the books from morning till night. As difficult as it has been to convince myself that no, I don't need to go to the beach, I know that all of this studying will be worth it in the end. Like many other schools, the day before finals week is typically given as a "Study Day" for students. However, you all have been reading long enough to know that the chances of me studying on a day off of school are slim to none.

But you'd be surprised, I actually did spend my day off studying, albeit briefly. I used Friday to catch up (and finish) my Chinese homework for the semester. I missed out on hanging out with the girls, but I'm glad I was able to get my work done. I know that, had I gone out, I would not have finished everything on time.  

The next day Eric and I decided to go on a hike. Originally we were torn on the Kaniakapupu Ruins and the Lyon Arboretum, as both looked to be very interesting hikes, but in the end we went with the Arboretum. 

My first mistake of that day was making the conscious decision to wear jeans.

Looking back this was a horrible decision, as I've really hyped myself up to be this experienced hiker. Instead, the impression I got from the pictures of the Arboretum was that it was more like a garden, and I figured jeans would be the way to go. Obviously, I was very wrong. We were hiking for about 3 hours and I can't tell you how many times I wished I was in shorts. However, complaining aside, the Arboretum is a very scenic hike that just about everyone can enjoy. If you are considering going, I would recommend bringing bug spray. This seems obvious, but it's always the obvious things that you end up leaving behind. This was our second mistake. 

Here are some pictures I took of some plants in the hike. Some are indigenous and some are not, but either way they're all stunning in person. 


Additionally, the waterfall can take anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour to get to, but hardly anyone goes up there, so I would recommend going! It's not like Manoa Falls, but is still worth hiking to. 

A word of caution: if you decide to visit the Arboretum, there's a chance you will come across chameleons, poison dart frogs, and pigs. The chameleons can be taken, as they're an invasive species, but are hit or miss. Either you see them or you don't. Unfortunately I wasn't able to see any. However, I did get the chance to see a bright green dart frog. As cute, and tiny, as it was, I had no idea they are poisonous. Unlike the chameleon I would not advise you to mess with these creatures. Lastly, the pigs are out there but not easy to find. If you see a piglet, use common sense and be cautious, as chances are the mother is nearby.  

After our hike we walked downtown a bit and stopped for lunch. We opted for crepes and snow ice. For those unfamiliar, snow ice is a fluffy type of ice cream that is topped with mochi, pops, and condensed milk. If you have the chance you most definitely should try some! It's a very unique type of ice cream. 

The following day, Sunday, was spent entirely with the girls. While the majority of the day was spent in stiff chairs reading and quizzing ourselves on our finals, we managed to find some time and take a beach break. We had been talking about taking family photos, as we have truly become a family during this semester, and found this to be the perfect time. Unfortunately, two of the girls decided not to go, but the rest of us made it work. Tomorrow we will go back and take more pictures with the "whole family". I'll publish the pictures in the next post, as I really like how they turned out! 

Happy studying everybody!

Until next time,


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