Ten Things You Think You'll Need (But Won't) for School

by - July 26, 2018

Picture by MetroParent
Hey guys,

Wow! School is fast approaching and I am totally jealous of all of you freshmen who are stocking up on your dorm room and planning it out. With everything you're going to buy, there's bound to be some things in those bags that it turns out you won't need. This week I'm going to share ten things you're going to think you'll need but won't. I hope you enjoy!

One: A Towel Wrap

Listen, I do not care, how many target ads you see with the models wearing this thing. The truth is you do not need one of these. Realistically speaking, who is walking around their dorm in just a towel? No one, and neither should you. 

Two: More than four pairs of shoes

Seriously? That's room you should use for other stuff, and after a week you're going to end up wearing that same pair every day and forget about the other half dozen you shoved under your bed. 

Three: A TV (dvd player, roku, etc)

No, no, no! Do not bring one of these and do not split the cost of one with your roommate. I get that its tempting, but try and get out and see more people instead of watch reruns of The Bachelor. You'll thank me later. 

Four: An Alexa or Google Home

I only bring this up because I saw an ad recently targeting college kids and trying to persuade them into actually buying one of these. First, that's ridiculous, and second, if my roommate brought one of these and was constantly yelling commands at it I would have lost my mind. Don't be that roommate.

Five: A Laptop Tray

I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty of buying one of these myself, but I'll also be the first to admit how foolish it was to buy one of these. Unless you think you'll be doing most of your work in bed (which I don't recommend, it's not healthy) I wouldn't advise getting one of these. They're quite bulky and take up some space when you don't use them!

Six: Packs of Tupperware

This one's controversial, but I've found that my dining hall would ask you to physically leave if they caught you using tupperware and, on top of this, how often are you going to be sneaking food out? I wouldn't recommend more than a few, if you do buy any!

Seven: Your Entire Wardrobe

Honestly half of my clothing I didn't even wear, and my second year at school I purged a good chunk because I wanted a different look (more minimalistic, thank you very much). Save the closet space.

Eight: A Printer

Don't play victim to those Back-to-School deals you'll think you need to take part in. Many times what your school won't tell you is that there are places to get cheap and sometimes free printing on campus. For my fellow UH students, did you know that if you're a Social Sciences major that you're allowed $30 a year for free printing? Take advantage of this!

Nine: Furniture (Chairs, Desks, Rolling Bins)

Save. Your. Space. Do you use a moon chair currently? What about that futon you were eyeing at the store for the longest time? No? Then why would you bring it to your college dorm? 

Ten: High School Merch

Ladies, listen to me. If you opt out of taking anything from this post I hope it's this one. High school is behind you and the year you graduated does nothing but age you. Seriously, don't be that person walking around in their "Class Of" tee shirt or club shirt. If you wear it, wear it to bed but not out of that dorm room! Opt for a college shirt, instead. 

I hope you've learned a little something from this. Take what I say with a grain of salt, because in the end this is all just preference! Let me know below what you regret having brought with you to school-- I'd love to know!

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