New Series: Back to School
Hello everyone and happy Thursday!
As we approach the middle of July, I felt it fitting that I start up a new series on this blog where I cover all of the Back to School essentials and questions. I'm very excited to see where this series takes us, so let me break down how this is going to go.
Every Thursday I am going to share a new subtopic within college preparation and the back to school season. Here is what that will look like:
July 19: Top Five (Lesser Known) Must Have Items for a Successful Dorm Room
July 26: Things You Think You Need (But Don't!) for College
August 2: How to Curate the Perfect Skincare Regime in College
August 9: Your First Dorm Room vs Your First Apartment
I am so excited for this series and I hope you are, too! I am working with some amazing companies for this series that I hope inspire you and your future abode.
As always, leave me a comment letting me know your thoughts! I would love to tailor this series to fit YOUR needs.
Until next time,