Little Hawaiian Things

by - October 10, 2016

Hey guys!

I wanted to make this post to share a few things you might catch yourself doing (or saying!) when you come to Hawaii. But before I tell you, I feel like I should preface by saying that not everyone is going to act like this, just like it all depends on how long you stay for. If you're only here for a week than chances are you're not going to be doing any of these, but if you're here for a more permanent time, than there's a good chance you'll be doing at least a few of these.

1. You move a little slower. 

This one is a little obvious, because, after all, everyone knows about Hawaiian Time. Before I came out here I used to be a very time-concious person. I needed to be 5 minutes early to everything and when people weren't on time I would become very annoyed. However, since being here, I've noticed that I'm no longer as on time as I used to be. In fact, you can count on me being a good 2-3 minutes late. I don't know when this started happening, but my friends no longer say, "Lets meet at 8 am!" but rather, "Lets meet at 8:02, okay?". It's this subtle change that I didn't notice until I was called out by the others. If you're here for an extended stay, like myself, there's a good chance you're not going to be as timely as you used to be.

2. You begin to pick up little bits of pidgin 

I'm still trying to get used to this one. When I first arrived I had no idea what da kine, talk story, or cheehoo even meant! Now when someone says these things I immediately have a sense of what they're talking about. I'm still trying to get used to da kine, but as for the others I think I have a solid grasp of what they mean. For those of you interested, here's what each mean:
da kine: when you're referring to something but don't know how else to describe it.
Example: "You know da kine? Da kine over there?" This is the one I'm still trying to understand, so my definition may not be completely accurate.
talk story: another way to say talking/ conversing. 
Example: "My friends and I talked story for hours yesterday"
cheehoo: Typically said when you get excited or happy
Example: "Did you see the game last night? When the Warriors scored I let out the loudest cheeeeeeehooooooo!" 

While you might not use these words yourself, it's important to note that these are common, so if you understand them now you'll save yourself some embarrassing moments down the line!

3. Spam is less of a disgusting food and more of a delicacy.

Ok, let me explain. When you first arrive spam is going to be something you can't avoid. It's something you're going to be offered, if you don't offer to try it first. While you can technically buy it anywhere, it's in Hawaii that you're most likely going to eat it. Spam is a combination of meats, and it's a really salty meat in a can. Don't ask what it is, either. Chances are no one is going to know. My only word of advice is to cut it up in thin slices and cook generously. Once it's crispy (this is how I like mine) feel free to eat it. It's going to be pretty greasy and I suggest eating it with some rice. Now that is a Hawaiian meal!

These were my top 3 things I've caught myself doing since being here. Hopefully you enjoyed it and if you want more posts like this than let me know!

Until next time,

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