Culture Shock: China Edition
Hi guys,
This week I wanted to have some fun and share with you all the most common cultural differences you might encounter while abroad in China. Enjoy!
- Crosswalks aren't applicable to mopeds and taxis. It's a game of frogger trying to make your way across the street.
- If you're not Asian, you're going to be stared at and probably called "Lao Wai" (老外) during your stay. Bonus points if you get asked to take a picture with someone.
- Umbrellas are everywhere! Rain or shine, odds are you'll see someone carrying an umbrella over their head throughout the day. Recently the umbrellas with light blocking black bellies have been very popular.
- Lines aren't straight, they're clumps of people all pushing to be the first one in said "line".
- Babies and toddlers in split pants. Not really sure why but this is extremely common in rural areas to see children wearing split pants. I think it's to help with potty training but I'm not too sure.
- Cities can be loud, but nothing is louder than a Chinese restaurant.
- Pink Panther everywhere. Peppa the Pig, too.
- Child leashes in the form of rubber slings!
- Designer clothes and brand name items, but the trick is knowing if its real or fake..
And everyones favorite:
10. Squatting toilets
Which is your favorite? Let me know down below!