2019 Spring Workout Routine
Hello everyone!
It's no secret that I have been obsessed with going to the gym lately and I knew I wanted to touch base and update you guys on my routine, what's working, what's not working, and what I'm doing differently! I hope you enjoy!
I try and set aside approximately one hour every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for the gym. Last year I was very much dedicated to my lower body, but this time around I have tried to expand my reach and have been doing workouts more targeted to my upper body. From when I first started things were hard, but even in the few weeks that I've been going I have already noticed myself building strength and stamina. So first, what do I do?
I always start my workouts with a quick warm-up set. I start on the machines and stick to my traditional lower body regime. The biggest difference in my lower body workout now is the weight I use, but I know that I'll soon catch up to what I used to press, curl, and push.
If you're curious about my lower body workouts click HERE!
This part of my workout typically takes me anywhere from half an hour to 45 minutes, and after I'm done I head to the yoga room and begin my upper body workout.
Now, I'm not going to front. It's a very simple, no equipment necessary, kind of workout. In fact, I actually found it on Pintrest, so that should tell you how informed I was about this kind of thing. For my upper body workout I grab two 5 pound dumbbells and do 5 sets of 15: bicep curls, tricep curls, front raises, and occasionally the push press. This doesn't sound like a lot, but I have definitely been feeling the burn. Plus, I'm starting to love the little muscle bump I get on my upper arm when I flex. Is that weird? Probably.
After it's all said and done my workouts can typically be done in 45 minutes to an hour. I try and walk to and from classes everyday, and this allows me to cool down after a tough gym session. This is also where I switch from my pop playlists and play more low-key, relaxing podcasts.
And that's it! I am so excited to be going back to the gym again and have so many great things coming both in the gym and here on the blog.
Let me know down below if you like upper body workouts or lower body-- I'd love to get more information and inspiration from all of you guys!