The Basics
Hi everyone!
With the new school year quickly approaching, and college application season quickly catching up to underclassmen, there is not better time but now to create a blog.
In short, I am an incoming freshmen at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. My goal is for this blog to help answer any questions, as well as clear up some misconceptions, about both the university and the state of Hawaii.
I won't go into too much detail about my college application process (maybe later on I will?) but instead I aim to blog about my school year and the inevitable culture shock that comes with living in Hawaii. In other words, I am a haole.
I would prefer to keep my first post short, as I did just arrive to the island (for the first time, I might add). But in the sake of a good first introduction I will share a little about me.
My name is Aislinn but is pronounced Ashlyn. This fall I will be attending the university of Hawaii with the intention of majoring in Chinese and quite possibly Korean. I've never been to Hawaii before so I expect it to be quite the adjustment.
Until next time,