Day Two

by - August 23, 2016

Hey everybody,

As expected, I'm back with another post about my school day. Thankfully, this day was better than the last. While I didn't have as many big lectures, I did have more classes with friends, and for that, I'm thankful. Here's a quick synopsis of my day:

For some odd reason my roommate, a girl who's earliest class is at 8:30 (and only on Monday) decided to once again wake up early and go on what I'm assuming is a morning run. While I'm a pretty heavy sleeper, one thing I've noticed about myself is that when someone else is in the room, or when someone else so much as comes into the room, I wake up immediately. She's quiet when she's getting ready, but when she comes back is when I've started to wake up so she tends to make more noise. Or maybe I just notice it more. Either way, I have an 8:30 class just about everyday of the week, and it isn't as bad as people have made it out to be. No, really, my class is very small, about 7 of us, and the teacher is very friendly, making the classroom environment relaxed (because we're all still waking up) and not competitive in the slightest (again, we're all still waking up so it's a very good time to have class). And this is coming from someone who is not, and has never been, a morning person. 

After Chinese class, my 8:30 one, I walk over to my psych lecture and take some time to just collect myself. Today the weather was a lot better, meaning that at 80 degrees there was, what felt like, a lot less humidity than the previous day. So much so that I even saw people walking around in hoodies and jeans! 

My psych class is huge. By far my biggest class, psych is definitely one that is going to require me studying on my own time. Thankfully, I know two people in that class and was even able to sit with both of them. It's ironic that the biggest class is the one I'm going to probably get the most help in. 

After psychology I was off to my last class of the day, an optional review taught by a TA. The buildings could not have been farther apart, I swear. I'm surprised I didn't hit my steps, either! I actually just barely reached 10,000 today, and you would think that walking from one side of campus to the complete other would help, but I guess it's for the better since it motivates me to take advantage of the on campus gym. I haven't used it yet, but I'm thinking I will soon. 

After my last class I met up with a friend in the bookstore to hang out before having to part ways. It wasn't for long, maybe half an hour, before the bookstore became too crowded for my liking. Also- class just started and I've already seen one tour! There's no way I could give a campus tour on the first day of school, so I wonder if those kids knew they were witnessing the first day. 

I don't have much more to share after that. I did some homework, marked up my calendar with future test dates (honestly, I have one test a week in Chinese. I'm not exaggerating) and met up with friends for dinner. It was a slower day, and I hope the rest of the week isn't like that. Fingers crossed for more active days! 

Besides that I don't think there's anything else I have to share. If you're coming for a tour, be warned: classes have literally just started, so be courteous to those trying to make it to their class on time. 

Until next time,


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