What's Next for My HI Life?
Hey guys!
Wow has it been a minute! Somehow the fall semester has flown by and I am now just one month shy of graduating. While I haven't been posting much (sometimes life takes over) I did want to jot down my thoughts about where I'll be taking this space moving forward.
My HI Life was started in an attempt to bring news and information to people who would otherwise have a very hard time learning about the University of Hawaii at Manoa. To be frank, the university doesn't do a good job relaying important information to students on the mainland. Over the years this space grew to be less about the school and more about me, which in turn changed the direction of this blog. I no longer wrote about semester thoughts, life in the dorms, and events on campus, but instead I wrote about my favorite beaches, things to do around the island, and my travels abroad. It would be silly of me to say that when I graduate, this space too will cease.
Like many others, I find myself trying to navigate post-grad life with many questions. Right now, I know I want to continue blogging, but I know in order to do that I will need to change host sites and, along the way, revamp the blog in its entirety. So, for now, I will be continuing to write on My HI Life but just know that once graduation comes and goes that I will likely change sites, change names, and thus move forward.
Many will probably find this to be the wrong next step, or at least a mistake in the making. However, I've been blogging since I was in seventh grade, and each year I would change names and then change URLS, essentially starting from scratch each year. This is not scary to me, this is exciting. I look forward to my blog maturing alongside me, and I look forward to seeing how my little slice of the internet can transform with me.
Until next time.