Hi everyone!
In the past year I think we can all attest to the growing number of men and women who talk about self love and self care. It's not a new concept, but as far as trends go, it's not exactly one that has been in the books for a while.
I'll be the first to admit that when I first heard about self love that I was skeptical. The whole "take care of yourself first" started to irk me after I saw a couple dozen posts about it. Truth be told, the saying, "No one can love you until you love yourself" is a complete lie and I don't find any credibility in it.
Self care, not "poems" of self love, but true to the core self care, is not a fad and is something I have grown to believe in and find legitimacy in. Let me give you a few examples of why self care isn't a fad, and with that, some reasons why they are healthy habits to have.
#1: Work up a healthy sweat
You've heard me go on and on about my workout routines and how I swear my weights, but have you considered the benefits of even just walking? Many times when exercise gets brought up in conversation, our anxiety peaks and our breathing begins to quicken. Working up a healthy sweat would be completing exercises like: walking during your lunch break outside, doing squats to your favorite song before a shower, or even practicing slow, steady breathing before bed. Don't automatically assume that working out needs to involve high intensity training, working out could simply mean taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood!
#2: Treat your skin now and thank yourself later
Skin care is so important, and if taking 30 minutes out of your day to work on your skin isn't exactly inviting, take a look at the different benefits of skin care. My favorite way to wind down at night is to spend time cleansing, moisturizing, and rolling my face. Now, I'm sure you were following until I said 'rolling', right? Well, my current obsession, with amazing health benefits are jade rollers. Jade rollers help promote circulation, help de-puff the face, help reduce wrinkles, help reduce acne, and, if you believe in crystals, the stone jade helps to draw out negative impurities and balance ones qi.
#3: Write, write, write
Writing, along with consistent reading, is a great habit to have. In the time I have spent blogging, writing has helped me develop a voice and expand my vocabulary. It requires I use more creative words, rather than repeat them, and forces me to take an opinion. Ever read an article where the author simply goes, "I dunno, but what do you think?" No! Writing is a skill you will need to utilize for the rest of your life, so why not take 10 minutes out of your day to grow as a writer?
I hope you enjoyed these three self care tips. Exercising is a very common way to treat yourself, skin care is my preferred method, and writing is something I enjoy doing as a hobby. Tell me, what are your ways you take care of yourself?