The Upside of Finals Week

by - December 15, 2017

Hey everyone!

This week has been a very eventful, rather annoying, kind of week.

For starters, this week was finals week. I had 5 finals this week and two of them were the dreadful 7:30AM ones. While they didn't last long, here was my week at a glance:

My first final took place on Monday: Political Science. It was dark when I left, as this final was at 7:30. The test took just over an hour for me to complete and was identical to the midterm.

Tuesday was my next final and unfortunately I had to wait until 2:40 to take it. This one was China's Political Economy and, since the paper half was due last week, the only thing I had left to do was then complete the oral exam. Thankfully the exam didn't take more than 20 minutes, and I left with the promise that I would personally be given Chinese food on Thursday. Because of this I'm going to assume I did very well.

On Wednesday, I had my last three exams. They started at 7:30 with my Chinese exam, followed by Korean at 9:45 and finally at 2:15 I took my Oceanography exam.

Overall I think the exams went fairly well. I spent a lot of time over the past few nights studying in campus center with my friends Lara and Hailey, so I took them feeling confident that I had done the best I could. I've also spent the past few nights sleeping at my friend Lara's apartment instead of my own, and I think that is the perfect segway into the next topic I wanted to write about..

I'm moving out!

I'm so excited to be packing up my bags and moving into a new on-campus apartment. Living where I have lived this semester has been horrible and I can sleep so much better elsewhere. I've already seen my new living situation and I love it. The space is so open, so clean, and very breezy! I cannot say it enough how excited I am!!

I will be sure to post lots of pictures of the new place, including my new layout. I hope you are as excited as I am to start this new chapter!!

Until next time,


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