The Honolulu Festival
Hey guys!
Really quick post here, but I wanted to share some pictures from the fireworks the other night.
On Sunday night there was something called "The Honolulu Festival" that was an all-day event in Waikiki. I didn't go to the parade, but I heard it was amazing given that it was their 23rd celebration. There was also a variety of cultures represented, which I think really sums up how inclusive and diverse the state of Hawaii is.
The fireworks, which started promptly at 8:30 (you'll quickly learn that at these kind of events, "promptly" in Hawaii is usually 5-10 minutes late) and lasted for 15 minutes. They started off simple, yet still blinding, and ended in an extravagant way. Here are the pictures:
I included a video as well to give you guys a better idea of the display.
I hope you guys enjoyed everything.
Until next time,